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[ACE] ACE_TString  

2009-12-09 08:47:27|  分类: net_ACE |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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ACE_TString 是 ACE 对 c-string 的封装类,基本用起来了 std::string 差不多。

/* String_Base.h */
template <class CHAR> class ACE_String_Base { ... };

/* SStringfwd.h */
typedef ACE_String_Base<char> ACE_CString;
typedef ACE_String_Base<ACE_WSTRING_TYPE> ACE_WString;

// This allows one to use W or C String based on the Unicode
// setting
#if defined (ACE_USES_WCHAR)
typedef ACE_WString ACE_TString;
#else /* ACE_USES_WCHAR */
typedef ACE_CString ACE_TString;
#endif /* ACE_USES_WCHAR */

#include <ace/Log_Msg.h>
#include <ace/SString.h>

int ACE_MAIN(char, ACE_TCHAR *[])
        ACE_TString s1("hello");        // null-terminated string
        ACE_TString s2("hello", 3);     // lengthed string
        ACE_TString s3(s2);             // ACE_TString
        ACE_TString s4(10, 'k');        // 10 of char 'k'
        ACE_TString s5 = s1;

        ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("s1 = %s\n"), s1.c_str()));
        ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("s2 = %s\n"), s2.c_str()));
        ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("s3 = %s\n"), s3.c_str()));
        ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("s4 = %s\n"), s4.c_str()));
        ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("s5 = %s\n"), s5.c_str()));

        ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("s1[0] = %c, s1[1] = %c\n"), s1[0], s1[1]));
        ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("s1 == \"hello\", %d\n"), s1 == ACE_TEXT("hello")));
        ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("length(s1) = %d\n"), s1.length()));
        ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("hash(s1) = %d\n"), s1.hash()));

        ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("substr(s1, offset, length) = %s, %s\n"),
                s1.substr(2).c_str(), s1.substr(2,2).c_str()));
        ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("find(s1, \"ll\") = %d\n"), s1.find(ACE_TEXT("ll"))));

        return 0;
s1 = hello
s2 = hel
s3 = hel
s4 = kkkkkkkkkkk
s5 = hello
s1[0] = h, s1[1] = e
s1 == "hello", 1
length(s1) = 5
hash(s1) = 94366051
substr(s1, offset, length) = llo, ll
find(s1, "ll") = 2

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