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[IT史话] utf-8 & Plan 9 以及 unix 的未来

2006-10-13 12:24:18|  分类: IT史话 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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今天读到 Eric S. Raymond 《The Art of UNIX Programming》的最后一章 "Futures: Dangers and Opportunities"。才了解到, utf-8 居然是专门为 Plan 9 而设计的。下面是书中的引文:

Some Plan 9 ideas have been absorbed into modern Unixes, particularly the more innovative open-source versions. FreeBSD has a /proc file system modeled exactly on that of Plan 9 that can be used to query or control running processes. FreeBSD's rfork(2) and Linux's clone(2) system calls are modeled on Plan 9's rfork(2). Linux's /proc file system, in addition to presenting process information, holds a variety of synthesized Plan 9-like device files used to query and control kernel internals using predominantly textual interfaces. Experimental 2003 versions of Linux are implementing per-process mount points, a long step toward Plan 9's private namespaces. The various open-source Unixes are all moving toward systemwide support for UTF-8, an encoding actually invented for Plan 9.[1]

Plan 9 到现在,大约10年过去了。Unix 们也正不断地向 Plan 9 规划出的世界前行,构建更加美丽的 UNIX World。

[1] http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs/utf-8-history.txt

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